Our Services

  • Pelvic Health

    Pelvic Floor Dysfunction - Treatment is specific to the individual. Sometimes muscles are too tight and need to learn to relax, sometimes weak and need strengthening. Sometimes they are just painful.

    Urinary Dysfunction -Incontinence, urgency and frequency, overactive bladder. A full assessment including bladder diaries, fluid intake and pelvic floor function to improve quality of life.

    Bowel Disorders - Constipation, faecal and flatus incontinence.

    Pelvic Pain - Any pain in the pelvic girdle need through assessment. This includes pain in the bony rim (symphasis pubis and coccyx/ tail bone.) pain from endometriosis, painful intercourse ( dyspareunia) bladder pain syndrome and vulvodynia.

  • Musculoskeletal

    We treat the following conditions using exercise prescription (stretching and strengthening), manual therapy, education, manipulation and acupuncture.

    Muscle Sprain
    Joint Strains
    Sports Injuries
    Back and Neck Pain
    Rehabilitation Post Surgery / Fractures
    Muscle Imbalances

  • Pregnancy and Post Natal

    Pelvic Floor Muscle Rehabilitation - Through assessment and tailored rehabilitation to address muscles weakened or damaged by child birth.

    Abdominal Muscle Separation (diastasis recti) -Progressive guided conditioning to regain total core control

    Pelvic Organ Prolapse

    Posture Assessment - Through assessment taking into account the changing state of the pregnant/ post partum body and the demanding needs of growing then raising a child

    Pelvic Girdle Pain - Symphasis pubis and Sacro-iliac joint dysfunction